dimanche 6 janvier 2013

Chapter 5 & 6

6- Were you surprised by Charlie’s death in chapter 5? Why/Why not? In your opinion, what will be the consequences of this death for Bryon and Mark?

I was very surprised by Charlie's death in chapter 5 because I thought he was going to be an important character in the book especially because he worked at the bar, a place that Bryon and Mark used to go on a regular basis. The fact that he tried to save both of the kids but that he died instead, makes me feel even more chocked.  I think that Charlie's death is going to give them more liberty, which isn't necessary a good thing. For instance, they are going to have Charlie's car, which can be dangerous if they don't use it properly. I think Charlie's death is also going to set them apart because Mark is becoming more and more rebellious and if Charlie isn't there anymore, no one can intervene

7- In chapter 6, Cathy and Mark’s relationship evolves. How do they feel about one another? What events prove that?
At the beginning, they were nice with eachother. But everything started to change when Mark hit a guy that bothered Cathy. She wasn't accepting the action he did. They didn't see things the same way, they couldn't stop arguing and their relationship started to be bad and negative.  

8- Chapter 6 ends with M&M running away. What do you think makes M&M choose to do that?

I think that M&M wanted to escape from the world that misunderstands him. Because of his differences, M&M is always being picked on, and he couldn't take it anymore. 

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